Zucchelli Masterclass 2024 (Mucogingival Surgery in Periodontal Therapy)
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Mucogingival Surgery in Periodontal Therapy
this Masterclass focusing on the latest techniques for the surgical treatment of periodontal defects.
From periodontal anatomy to diagnosis and step-by-step surgical protocols, this 18-hour course provides a complete overview of the established techniques for treating single and multiple gingival recessions and managing root coverage, such as the Coronally Advanced Flap (CAF) supported by either an autologous connective tissue graft (CTG) or a heterologous matrix and the cutting-edge V-CAF and Tunnel techniques.
Prof. Giovanni Zucchelli covers all theoretical and practical aspects of these techniques, which are continuously evolving with the introduction of new materials and treatment strategies.
By enrolling in this Masterclass, you will gain the necessary knowledge and skills to confidently perform various types of periodontal surgeries for simple and moderately difficult cases, as well as combined restorative-periodontal treatments for improved esthetic outcomes.
Topics covered in the course:
- Periodontal anatomy and classification of periodontal diseases
- Differential goals: non-surgical aetiological therapy vs mucogingival surgery
- Indications for treating gingival recessions
- Combined restorative-periodontal treatment
- Clinical techniques and procedures: scaling and root planing, root coating, crown-shifted flap, CAF + CTG, V-CAF, Tunnel Technique
- Connective tissue replacement and the use of amelogenins
- The role of the dental hygienist in the dental practice
At the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Identify the correct diagnostic and prognostic tools for the definition of an appropriate treatment plan;
- Understand the differential goals of non–surgical aetiological therapy and share operative protocols with the hygienist;
- Perform state-of-the-art root coating surgical techniques for single and multiple recessions, with appropriate differentiation regarding their site-specific application;
- Harvest, prepare and place de–epithelialized connective tissue grafts.
Presented By: Prof. Giovanni Zucchelli
16 Videos – Duration: 18 hours and 36 minutes – Files size: 50.3 GB
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