Occlusion Simplified and Managing Vertical Dimension (7 Parts)
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In Part 1, Dr Lincoln Harris discusses:
What occlusion really is . Bracketed tooth . Marginal ridges . Cusps and Fissures . Considered Occlusal Adjustment . Bracketed Teeth . False Contacts . Choosing an impression tray . Planning and Records vs Adjustment and Grinding . When things break . Why do teeth break? . Static load/Fatigue . Concentrations of force . Tensile Stress . Compensating for tensile stress . Fatigue/concentrated force . Pseudo cross bite.
In Part 2, Dr Lincoln Harris discusses:
Forces on the jaw . Centric relation . Class III’s and Occlusion . The lateral pterygoid . Muscle contracture . Eruption and intrusion of teeth . Occlusal disease . Occlusion matters to the dentist, not the patient . Programming of the jaw . Deprogramming . What is a leaf gauge and how to utilise them . Centric relation won’t always be the best or most comfortable position . Steep eminence and the shape of teeth . Why take protrusive records . Steep eminence visual . Shallow eminence visual . Taking protrusive records . Types of bite records . Why take a static bite . Squash bite in MIP . Rehabilitation cases and dentures . Choosing a face-bow . Checking occlusion on full mouth rehabilitation’s . Restoring lost vertical dimension
In Part 3, Dr Lincoln Harris discusses:
Occlusal Adjustments . High and Low Resistance . Clenching, grinding and parafunction . Cracking of restored dentition . Splinting Teeth . Treating the toothache patient . Muscles of jaw movement.
In Part 4, Dr Lincoln Harris discusses:
How to allow a denture patient to still be comfortable in many bite positions . Function and cosmetics go together . Planning treatment . Why people are phobic . Taking a bite with no vertical occlusal stops . Leaf gauges . Effects of relaxing the lateral pterygoids . Devices for deprogramming the lateral pterygoids . Face-bows . Design . Mock Up . Tooth shape and occlusion . Form is important . Plasticised layer of bysacryl . Taking a bite record.
In Part 5, Dr Lincoln Harris discusses:
Types of Occlusal Splints . Protective . Palliative . Diagnostic . Mock Ups . Utilising Leaf Gauge . Bite Registration . Full Arch Rehabilitation . Temporaries . Wear . Indirect Restorative Materials . Anaesthetic Techniques.
In Part 6, Dr Lincoln Harris discusses:
Opening class III bites . Opening vertical dimension . How to choose the vertical dimension . Lip mobility . Never let the patient tell you how to do dentistry. . Which teeth to build up first . The importance of photography when planning wear cases . False Consensus . Three things to know about occlusion . Do dentistry that makes you happy . Gaining experience and coping with failure . Getting started in full mouth rehabilitation cases . Choosing vertical dimension . Warning signs for those who may not tolerate opening vertical dimension. . What to use to deprogram the jaw . Canine guidance, group function or lateroprotrusive movements . Bite verification . Using a Dahl device.
In Part 7, Dr Lincoln Harris discusses:
Has the vertical dimension actually changed . Planning a case . Making composite veneers . When the teeth look too long . Increase vertical dimension too much . Increasing vertical dimension shouldn’t be scary . Using average numbers wont work for every patient . Maintaining the bite through FMR . The radius of opening . Protrusive bite . Lip length and vertical dimension . Transferring length design to the mouth . Maxillary excess . The relationship between form and function . Opening vertical dimension on class I pt’s , II pt’s and III pt’s . Steps of a case – planning to mockup . Steps of a case – prep to final crowns
7 Videos , File size 4.5 GB
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